Friday, December 6, 2019

Metropolitan Community College Essay Example For Students

Metropolitan Community College Essay English 1010 Syllabus 2017/SS COURSE IDENTIFICATION Title:English Composition IPrefix/Section:ENGL 1010WK, WWCredit Hours: 4.5Begins/Ends: June 6- August 15, 2017 Census Date: June 19, 2017 Withdrawal Date:August 1, 2017 Class Location: Online through Blackboard at enrolled in online and hybrid classes are required to check and use MCC Student Email ( for all official course correspondence. To ensure the instructor receives and can promptly respond to emails, students should compose and send messages from within the Blackboard course. CONTACT INFORMATION Instructor Name:Tim RileyOffice Location:N//A but can meet by appointment Office Telephone:cell phone 402-981-5377 *Although you may leave voice messages with clear questions/concerns at this number, I will respond via email to your MCC account. Office Hours: N/A but can meet by appointmentEmail Address: Students enrolled in online and hybrid classes are required to check and use MCC Student Email ( all official course correspondence. To ensure the instructor receives and can promptly respond to emails, students should compose and send messages from within the Blackboard course. Academic Area:English, English as a Second Language, and Reading COURSE INFORMATION COURSE DESCRIPTION:Students develop rhetorical knowledge; practice critical reading, thinking, and writing; and use a writing process to draft, revise, and edit texts in a variety of genres with an emphasis on thesis-driven essays. COURSE PREREQUISITES:1000-Level Writing Assessment Test Score or English 0960; 1000-Level Reading Assessment Test Score or RDLS 0100. MINIMUM TECHNICAL SKILLS:In the online setting, students should also be able to do the following: use MCC Student Email with attachments save files to and retrieve from a local drive save files in commonly used word processing program formats copy and paste identify and use a compatible web browser identify and install necessary updates install and use course-specific software programs COURSE OBJECTIVES:Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: Exhibit rhetorical knowledge Think, read, and write critically Use a writing process Exhibit knowledge of conventions REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS:Required Textbook:Writing Today, 3rd ed., by Johnson-Sheehan and Paine *FULL EDITION is required do not buy the short/brief edition as it does not have all of the readings* Supplementary Materials: Computer disk or other back up storage device College dictionary and thesaurus Microsoft Word highly encouraged Textbooks and other print materialscan be purchasedthrough the campus bookstores and online ( COMPUTER REQUIREMENTS:The computer you use for MCC online courses must be able to run one of the Blackboard-compatible web browsers listed on the Browser Support Page: SOFTWARE/FILE SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS:Metropolitan Community College uses Microsoft products as part of its standard software and encourages students to do the same. You may save word-processed documents for file attachments in Microsoft Word .doc or .docxformat.If your software does not allow either of these, then save files in Rich Text Format (.rtf). CLASS STRUCTURE:Online courses are equivalent to traditionally taught college courses and meet the same criteria for academic rigor and qualified faculty. Students complete the course by reading the text, completing online assignments and communicating with instructors via discussion, assignments, and e-mail. Students also will interact with other studentsthrough the use ofBlackboards Discussion tools. In the first few days of class, students should familiarize themselves withhow the Blackboard system works and how to navigate through the class. Students can find tutorials explaining how to use the Blackboard system on the Blackboard homepage. To learn how to navigate through this course, a good place to begin isthe Start Here document in the Lessons link on the left side of course screen.Information about course objectives, instructor and student expectations, assignments, grading scale, etc. is located in the course syllabus. Students shouldread throughthe syllabus thoroughly and email their instructor with any questions they have. Students should use the links on the left side of the course screen to locate the course Lessons, taking particular note of the syllabus, lecture sections, drop boxes, discussion boards, calendar, and communication links.When working through each weeks Module, students should be sure toread throughall pages of the Module lesson so as not to miss any assignments or discussions.All discussion and assignment due dates can also be found in the course Calendar. If there are any signs that the online class format will not work for you and/or your computer abilities, you are strongly encouraged to re-enroll in an on-campus version of ENGL 1010. RESPONSE TIME:Faculty will respond within 48 hours, Monday through Friday, to student emails concerning course content, learning activities, and private matters appropriate for discussion within the teacher-student relationship. Posting of feedback and grades for major assignmentsis addressedunder Assessment of Student Work. ASSESSMENT OF STUDENT WORK TYPES OF ASSESSMENTS/ASSIGNMENTS:Students are expected to complete all reading assignments (both online and in the text), learning activities, discussion board postings, and essay assignments. Writing assignmentswill be assessed, at least in part, according to criteria established for each writing project. The instructor will assess the quality of the students writing (including revision, editing, and proofreading), learning activity assignments, and contributions to discussions. Assignments submitted for this classmust be writtenoriginally for this course during this quarter.Resubmitting or recycling papers written for other classes defeats the purpose of practicing the writing process in the class, resulting in a missed opportunity for growth as a writer.Submitting recycledpapers will result in a zero grade for the assignment without the opportunity to revise.Feedback on writing assignmentswill be returnedto the students as quickly as possible, but may require as much as two weeks. The students should not wait for this feedback, but should continue working on the next reading and writing assignments to ensure that course time guidelinesare followed. The final gradewill be basedon the following: Module 1: Introduction to Class 35 points: Discussion (5 points) Writing Reflection (10 points) Reading Response (20 points) Unit 1: Profiles 195 points: 2 Discussions (10 points) Profile Planning Assignment (15 points) Profile Reading Response (15 points) Profile Rough Draft (25 points) 2 Peer Reviews (20 points) Profile Final Draft (100 points) Writing Reflection (10 points) Unit 2: Evaluation 200 points: 2 Discussions (15 points) Evaluation Planning Assignment (15 points) Evaluation Reading Response (15 points) Evaluation Rough Draft (25 points) 2 Peer Reviews (20 points) Evaluation Final Draft (100 points) Writing Reflection (10 points) Unit 3: Position 200 points: 2 Discussions (15 points) Position Paper Planning Assignment (15 points) Position Paper Reading Response (15 points) Position Paper Rough Draft (25 points) 2 Peer Reviews (20 points) Position Paper Final Draft (100 points) Writing Reflection (10 points) Total: 630 points GRADING POLICY:Final grades will be computed based on a percentage of total points earned during the term as follows: A = 100%-90% B = 89%-80% C = 79%-70% D = 69%-60% F = Below 60% ASSESSMENT OF STUDENT LEARNING PROGRAM:Metropolitan Community College is committed to continuous improvement of teaching and learning. Youmay be askedto help us to accomplish this objective. For example, youmay be askedto respond to surveys or questionnaires. In other cases, tests or assignments you are required to do for this coursemay be shared with faculty and used for assessment purposes. How Technology Has Changed Our Lives Essay TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT If you have difficulty connecting to the Internet, call your Internet provider. If youneed help connecting tothe course from the Blackboard login page, refer to Getting Started Online at If you are unable to solve the problem, emailor call 531-622-2834. For assistance with student email, passwords, and most other MCC technology, contact the Help Desk at 531-622-2900 or. TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES:By using the information technology systems at MCC (including the computer systems and phones), you acknowledge and consent to the conditions of use as set forth in the Metropolitan Community College Procedures Memorandum on Acceptable Use of Information Technology and Resources. It is your responsibility as a student to be familiar with these procedures. The full text of the Procedures Memorandummay be foundat the following website: SCHEDULE OF ASSIGNMENTS NOTICE: This syllabus sets forth a tentative schedule of class topics, learning activities, and expected learning outcomes. However, the instructor reserves the right to modify this schedule to enhance learning for students. Any modifications will not substantially change the intent or objectives of this course and will conform to the policies and guidelines of Metropolitan Community College. WEEK DATE MODULE TEXT REFERENCE ASSIGNMENTS Week 1 6/6 6/12 Module 1 Chapter 1 Writing and Genres (pp. 1-7) Chapter 3 Readers, Contexts, and Rhetorical Situations (pp. 21-30) Chapter 4 Reading Critically, Thinking Analytically (pp. 33-45) Discussion: Student Introductions Learning Activities: M1 Reflecting on Your Writing Process M1 Reading and Writing for College and Career Week 2 6/13 6/19 Unit 1: Profiles Module 2 Chapter 2 Topic, Angle, Purpose (pp. 10-18) Chapter 6 Profiles (pp. 67-75) Two Profiles of Griffith Park (pp. 591-593) Student Essay: Profile Example Purpose-Driven Work.pdf (attachment) OWH Profile: First the School of Hard Knocks, Now MCC (attachment) Discussion: Sharing an Insiders View Learning Activities: M2 Profile Planning Assignment M2 Profile Reading Response Week 3 6/20 6/26 Unit 1: Profiles Module 3 Chapter 16 Organizing and Drafting (pp. 329-340) Chapter 23 Collaborating and Peer Response (pp. 417-427) Discussion: Profile Essay Peer Review Learnin g Activities: M3 Profile Essay Rough Draft M3 Profile Essay Peer Review Assignment Week 4 6/27 7/3 Unit 1: Profiles Module 4 Chapter 19 Revising and Editing (pp. 367-380) Discussion: None Learning Activities: M4 Profile Essay Final Draft M4 Profile Essay Writers Reflection Week 5 7/5 7/11 Unit 2: Evaluations Module 5 Chapter 7 Reviews (pp. 93-104) Why We Crave Horror Movies (pp. 598-600) Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition (pp. 605-606) Student essay: Shop Justice! (attachment) Discussion: ReadingEvaluations Learning Activities: M5EvaluationPlanning Assignment M5EvaluationReading Response Week 6 7/12 7/18 Unit 2: Evaluations Module 6 Review: Chapter 7 Reviews (pp. 93-104)Chapter 23 Collaborating and Peer Response (pp. 417-427) Discussion: EvaluationPeer Review Learning Activities: M6EvaluationRough Draft M6EvaluationPeer Review Assignment Week 7 7/19 7/25 Unit 2: Evaluations Module 7 Review: Chapter 7 Reviews (pp. 93-104) Chapter 19 Revising and Editing (pp. 367-380) Discus sion: None Learning Activities: M7 Evaluation Final Draft M7EvaluationWriters Reflection Week 8 7/26 8/1 Unit 3:Arguments Module 8 Chapter 11 Arguments (pp. 184-199) Should College Football Be Banned? (pp. 200-201) Friends with Benefits (pp. 202-205) Chapter 22 Using Argumentative Strategies (pp. 401-415) Student essay: Revitalizing Student Life through Student Government (attachment) Discussion: ReadingArguments Learning Activities: M8ArgumentEssay Planning Assignment M8ArgumentEssay Reading Response Week 9 8/2 8/8 Unit 3: Argument Module 9 Review: Chapter 11 Arguments (pp. 184-199) Chapter 22 Using Argumentative Strategies (pp. 401-415) Chapter 23 Collaborating and Peer Response (pp. 417-427) Discussion: ArgumentEssay Peer Review Learning Activities: M9ArgumentEssay Rough Draft M9 ArgumentEssay Peer Review Assignment Week 10 8/9 8/15 Summer quarter ends on 8/15 Unit 3: Argument Module 10 Review: Chapter 11 Arguments (pp. 184-199)Chapter 19 Revising and Editing (pp. 367-38 0) Discussion: None Learning Activities: M10 Argument Essay Final Draft M10ArgumentEssay Writers Reflection 2017 (17/SS) Summer Quarter Important Dates Classes begin.. June 6 Tues Census Date* date for first 5-week session.. Census Date* date for 10-week session..June 19 M Student Withdrawal Deadline to drop a class without receiving a grade..Varies by Class** Student Withdrawal Deadline to drop a class with a refund varies..See Refund Policy Classes end for first 5-week session. Summer Break/College Closed.. July 4 T Spring grades for first 5-week session due and posted by 7:00a.m Classes begin for second 5-week session..Census Date* date for second 5-week session..Winter quarter I incomplete grades are due..Classes end for 10-week/second 5-week sessions.. Aug 15 TSpring grades 11-week/second 5-week sessions due and posted by 7:00 a.m Current Student (greater than 50 hours) Summer 2017 (17/SS) Registration begins.Mar23Th Current Student (less than 50 hours) Summer 2017 (17/SS) Registration begins..Mar 27 MGeneral Registration Summer 2017 (17/SS) Registration begins..Mar 30Th * Census Date is the date on which your enrollment level is checked. **To view the last day to withdraw drop a class to prevent receiving a grade, go to the class schedule found online at, find the course section and click on the Important Dates link on the same line as the course title. Dates for each course sectionare automatically calcul atedbased on the start and end dates and the number of sessions for a course. A student must withdraw by this date to avoid an F grade. Note: Schedule changes may have implications for students on Financial Aid.Check with the Financial Aid Office prior to any schedule changes at 531-622-2330. TheCensus Dateis the date on which Financial Aid Students enrollmentis checkedto determine the type and amount of authorized funds for the quarter. Paymentis basedon enrollment as of that date. REFUND POLICY for Credit Courses A student is responsible for withdrawing dropping from a course(s) if unable to attend. Non-attendance or non-payment does not relieve a student from the obligation to pay. An official schedule change that reduces or terminates a students credit load may entitle the student to a refund. The eligibility and amount of a refundis automatically calculatedby the date of the withdrawal. Students can find the last day to drop a class with no charge by selecting the importantdateslink next to their class in the credit class schedule. Through 11:59 p.m. of the listed date, there is no charge for the dropped class. After this date, the student is charged 100% for the dropped class.

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